Tuesday, June 14, 2016

weekend wrap up | summer is on!!

It's been way too long since I've done one of these weekend updates, but after the weekend we just had, I couldn't resist.  It was uhh-mazing.
Summer is here!
We were hit with some pretty hot and humid weather on Friday and Saturday which made me feel right at home.  Felt just like my Illinois days.
I get off early on Fridays during the summer which I normally take advantage of by grocery shopping sans boys.  (life is sooo much easier when you're not shopping with kids!!) But this Friday I had the chance to grab my swimsuit for the first time of the year and head out to the lake with the boys and Dawn who watches them for me. The boys love Dawn!
I learned two things:
1) Conner still LOVES the water.
2) Linden does NOT love the water. yet.

Since we got home with time to spare before supper, Conner and I whipped up some cookies for the week.
And of course with weather this great, we couldn't help ourselves and headed out for some good suppertime eats on the patio at Maddys.

We woke up to some serious humidity outside, but that didn't stop us from getting out.
Aunt Lori stopped by head over to the local Barn Market that takes place twice a year, but not before surprising Conner with a pretty sweet vintage circus train. (Three days later and he's still got that thing attached to his hip.)
Now, if you love getting junk drunk, then the Barn Market is the place to be.  And seeing how much the crowd has grown and the fact that they charge for parking now tells me that everyone is getting on the bandwagon of handcrafted goods and antique finds.
The boys (all three!) went down for naps while I headed out solo to catch up on grocery shopping, and then on to Aunt Shan's for a little visit with the cousins.

Headed out to church and followed the rest of the day up with a good Sunday snooze, cleaning and one crazy good dinner.

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