Tuesday, June 7, 2016

linden | half year

S I X | half year!
I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but honestly, how is this sweet boy already a half year old? I love him. Like, I want a lot more babies just like him. Just surround me in Linden-boys all day long (with a splash of Conner to keep things chaotic and fun).

Now that we're six months in with this little boy in our life, I can't imagine our family any other way. God knew we needed him in our crew.
I was not planning on starting any solid foods until Linden turned 6 months old, but his interest in food was just too much. So, with that, we gave him a little chunk of banana back on Mother's Day to see how he'd do.  Let me tell ya, that boy wasted no time eating (and getting messy in the process).  Since then we've been having him eat dinner with us.  If there are foods that make up part of our dinner that are also age appropriate for him, I just give him what we're eating.  If our dinners are a little "advanced" for a new eater, I give him whatever veggies or fruits we have on hand. 

I'm pretty sure he already has favorite foods and those are bell peppers and cucumbers. That boy will eat those up!

Ever since the four month sleep regression, we don't sleep through the night, and, well, I'm tired. And when this boy wakes up in the middle of the night, it is not all sunshine and smiles. It's full blown screams of anger.  We usually go through 3-4 outfits in a night which I'm sure is a huge reason for the restless sleep.  We haven't quite found a good diaper that can hold up to a tummy sleeper.  So far, Luvs has been the best option but even then, we rarely wake up dry.

I am really looking forward to and dreading sleep training all at the same time.  I am so desperate for normal sleep but I know in order to get to that point it's going to be hard.  I already envision lots of crying (by both Linden and me) and lots of sleep deprivation. I guess we'll have to take some steps back to move forward and pray that we all get sound sleep in the end.

This boy is a mover and a shaker. I can put him on his floor blanket with his toys and turn around 30 seconds later to find him five feet from where I put him without ever rolling over.  He just slides his way on his belly across the floor.  He loves to move around and he loves every single toy you put in front of him.

Linden is also starting to really interact in a playful way.  I think Conner is his favorite person by far to play with.  When those two boys get together, it's all laughter and squeals of high-pitched joy.  It makes this mama heart swell to see those two playing together.

His biggest milestone this past month has been his ability to sit unassisted.  It has opened up a whole new world for playing with his toys and watching his crazy big brother.



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