Tuesday, December 13, 2016

linden | one year

This entire year with Linden has been the best year ever!  Here's a look back over the past 12 months with this little boy :) 


 from bringing you home from the hospital 
watching you smile for the first time at three weeks
your first little laughs
seeing you rollover from your front to back at six weeks old!
sitting up by yourself
your first bites of real food (bananas!)
crawling and climbing stairs
cruising the furniture
getting into e v e r y t h i n g
stealing our hearts every moment along the way
this is why this past year has been amazing.

We've made the transition to whole milk! We had just enough frozen milk to make it to his first birthday and while he's no stranger to formula, I am pretty excited to move him to whole milk now. And when it comes to table foods.. we have good days and bad days.  There are days that he doesn't want to eat the food I give him and other days he'll eat whatever he can get his hands on.  We try and get him to eat whatever it is that we are eating for supper and most of the time he's on board with that, but we still have our days where life gets busy and his supper consists of chicken nuggets + yogurt drops + berries. Some nights we just need it to be simple.
He's a rock star sleeper! He goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up around 6am.  I admit there are times on the weekend that I am just not ready to start the day, and Linden is totally cool with hanging out in his crib and talking to himself for a while.  (We never got that lucky with Conner, when he was awake, you had to be awake too)

He's still a two-naps-per-day kinda boy.  He gets a nice morning nap around 9:30am and again around 2pm.  It makes it a little challenging on the weekends when we're trying to run around with kids in tow, but he takes it all in stride if he misses one of his naps.


He's discovering the joy of climbing on toys and rocking chairs and anything else that he can climb on and scoot around on.  We have a little four-wheeled bike that Conner got from a family friend when he turned one, and Linden loves it! He'll climb up and plop himself down and scoot backwards across the floor.  And when Conner sees him scooting around, he'll rush over and grab the handle on the back and push him around the house.

Linden also figured out the game of hide-and-seek and chase! Just last night Linden was chasing Conner (or Conner was chasing Linden...still not sure which) around our coffee table.  Honestly, those boys must have circled that table 62 times and in full blown laughter!