Friday, June 24, 2016

six month baby check up

Ya know, when Conner was born, time felt like it flew by, but it didn't feel like it moved as fast as it does now.  I fully admit it's been a couple weeks since Linden's six month check up, but I'm just now getting around to the update.  I couldn't believe how fast it snuck up on me.  I literally just sat there thinking, "weren't we just at the doctor for his four month appointment??".
Time flies. For real.
I always love taking my boys to their wellness checks because I can dump all one hundred plus of my questions on the doctor.
I bet she just thinks I need to take chill pill.
Really though, this is not my first rodeo, but it sure feels like it.  That's how different my boys are!! Everything feels so new because of it and because there actually has been things that have changed since Conner was a baby.
All in all, it went great.  We talked about belly buttons, food, formula (that's a topic in and of itself!), deciphered baby poop, skin, allergies, shots and of course sleep!
Over the last month, I noticed Linden's cute little belly button popping out further than normal.  To rule out a hernia, I brought it up to his doctor and she said she could feel a small hole in his abs, but not to worry, it will eventually close up.  And his little belly button will go back to being a flat and cute little thing.
We started Linden on baby foods about a month ago.  At this visit we were given the green light to feed him anything (except dairy milk and honey).  Bring on the eggs, berries, peanut butter and every good ingredient under the sun!
The last big item I was itching to ask his doctor was if she thought he was ready to be sleep trained and stop the night time feedings.  Not only did she okay it, she pushed for it!  It's so much easier the younger they are so I was super glad to hear that we could go for it.

Weight:  16 pounds 3 ounces (17th percentile)
Birth: 8 pounds 0 ounces
Height: 27.5 in (74th percentile)
Birth: 20.5 in
Head: 42.4cm (10th percentile)
Birth: 33cm


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