Wednesday, October 12, 2016


..And just like that, you are turning three.
I want to say I don't understand how this past year went by so fast, but deep down, I do.  This past year of life was a game changer for you with bringing another little boy into our family, but you, little man are meant to be a brother.  I watched from the front row as you transitioned from the early days of not wanting another little boy to share our attention into a little boy that makes sure that Linden is kept in the mix of our chaos. Dad's and my attention was split this past year looking out for the both of you, trying to soak in every changing detail between the two of you, and keeping up with you. I'm sad to think I missed little details of your life, but I amazed at the boy you are becoming.
Some of my favorite moments of this past year:
..Realizing that I am carrying on a legitimate conversation with you instead of simple words.
..Hearing you talk about things that happened weeks ago as your memory takes off.
..Watching you play with your toys and pretending with them.
..Potty training.
..Asking me if I'm okay after I hurt myself and then kissing my injury.
..Laughing uncontrollably at night every time I try to get you to go to sleep.
..Hearing you say, "Mommy you sleep with me?"
..You and Daddy building forts out of blankets and couch cushions.
..You telling everybody in the grocery store "HI!" You're not shy.
..Your first haircut.
..Watching you swim at the beach.
..Hearing you ask for Papa and Nana.
..Your endless love for your daddy.
..Driving the tractor.
..Helping me make coffee.
The moments are endless, but I know my memory will start to fade and some of these precious memories will get replaced with newer ones.  But, I will never forget holding you for the first time in the hospital.  I will never forget rocking you to sleep at night when you were a baby as you drift off only to open your eyes one last time and give me a huge smile.  I will never forget the look of your little boy smile and little boy laugh.  It is the most contagious thing on the planet. And your unruly curls on your head.
I have never met a little boy with as much energy as you. Daddy and I joke that you only need one cracker to give you enough energy to run laps around everybody else all day long. And it's true! You have two gears... 100% non-stop while you are awake, and recharging mode while you are asleep.
I can't even begin to imagine what this next year is going to bring for you, but I pray that you stay safe, healthy, and never lose that personality that I love so much. 
With all my heart, I love you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

linden | ten months

Guys, we hit double digits!! Little brother is now 10 months old, and he's living up to that 10 month old label to the fullest! And yes, for all my friends that know me too well, I am in some extreme party planning modes lately. We are just weeks away from his 1st birthday party!!!
I think our days of having him lay still long enough for me to take a picture are long gone...
So here's another to make up for that..
I've never seen a kid eat so much! Let me give you a glimpse of what this little boy can put down in one sitting: a full grilled cheese + entire banana + veggie pouch + he'll still has room for whatever else you give him.  That's an adult size meal! I have no idea how he is only in the bottom 18th percentile for weight.. he has to have a hollow leg.  I don't know where else this food goes.  On the flip side, his milk consumption has gone down dramatically.  This past month, he would nurse in the morning and again before bed, but in between, he might take up 5 oz of milk (but usually less) throughout the day.  I just keep a sippy cup of water out for him to drink from.  (Again, like Conner, we will not let him have any juice.. I loathe kids drinking juice.)

I sit here with a big fat smile on my face because after months upon months of sleep deprivation, I finally have a little boy that will sleep through the night.  It's the best thing in the world.  He goes down between 6:30 and 7pm and will generally wake up between 5:30 and 6am.  I will admit that I was incredibly nervous about taking him to Illinois because it could throw off the sleep training that we worked on for so long and so hard. Guess what.. I didn't.  He totally rocked the sleep-all-night-long thing even outside of his normal environment.

I'm starting to think that toys don't impress this little man these days.  He's always looking for the bigger and better things to play with like the TV remote, phones, laptops.. etc.  You know, all the things you don't want them to touch!  But we are really getting into books.  He loves flipping through books at the end of the day before settling into bed. 

Baby Misc:
Linden said his first word "Ma-ma" but only when he gets really mad that I won't pick him up.
Linden said his second words "want that" which sounds like "won dat" but only when it's time for Conner to pick out his TV show at night.  Kid you not, he will point to the show he wants and scream "won dat" just like Conner. 
He's cruisin' the furniture faster and faster everyday
He gets really mad if try to coax him to walk. He knows he's faster if he just crawls.
Loves swinging doors (I'm waiting for the first smashed fingers)
He will try to hang up on anyone I am FaceTiming with
Loves his Nana and Papa
Loves baths
Loves taking walks in the stroller. He's quickly learning how to escape the stroller though...