Saturday, June 18, 2016

toddler life | thirty two

Eek!! Conner's already another month older! For real, how do these months fly by so unfairly fast!?  Life with Conner is b u s y. Always has been. Always will be.

This month I've really started to notice that he is growing more towards a little boy and less like a toddler.  It's exciting. It's sad. It's happening.

Toddler Talks
It's so much fun around here these days now that Conner can chat away.  Sometimes I catch myself amazed that I'm carrying on a conversation with a micro human that barely bothered to talk much a few months ago.  And we have lots of interesting conversations.

He can tell you all his colors, numbers, animals and toys. He can tell you what he wants to do.  90% of the time it's to go outside or eat (life of a two year old, right??)

The other day, I even caught him singing to himself. I have never heard him sing before! It just about melted me to pieces I loved hearing it.

Toddler Play
Conner plays like a typical boy through and through.  He is still crazy about all of his trucks and trains and anything that has wheels.  A while back, Joe and I had to hide his Tonka because it's just so loud being run through the house so every once in while we pull it out and it's like Christmas morning to that kid.

Now that summer's here, I anticipate us getting back out to the beach when we can.  That boy has always had a love for water and I love watching him go to town in it.  There are so many times that I miss having a pool around.  Since there are so many lakes and beaches, there are no outside pools in the area which is a bummer because we'd be hitting up the baby pools everyday if possible!!

Toddler Eats
Best part about summertime eats... the fruit! I love this time of year because I can just put out a bowl of fruit on the kitchen island so when Conner gets home from daycare he immediately goes for that.  No little boy going into the pantry begging for packaged foods.

Now that the little brother is eating solid foods, big brother is a little more interested in joining us at the dinner table. Big win!  He's even getting more adventurous and trying out our food.  And whatever he sees Linden eating, he wants it too which has led to him eating more bell peppers.

Toddler Sleep
I really don't need to be the broken record here... Conner is the best sleeper. ever.  Since the days are long now, we let him stay up til 9pm and he usually wakes up at 6:20am.  He'll go down for an early afternoon nap and sleep for hours. Can we say...Mommy free time!!!



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