Thursday, December 10, 2015


So it only took me two and half weeks to post pictures of Linden's nursery.  Not bad, right? Okay, it's bad.  I'm still dragging at posting stuff here, but man, naps are so nice to squeeze in especially when both your boys take good afternoon naps at the same time.

When we moved into our house, Linden's room was green, and Joe and I were in no mood to paint it any other color during my pregnancy, so green it stays.  I admit, if you look at the ceiling, the previous owner must've had a girl because there is glitter spray glued all over it.  I admit again, the glitter is still there.  Sorry, Linden, we'll get around to removing it someday. And by someday, that will be when you're old enough to realize there's glitter on your ceiling.

Since green was our base color for the nursery, I went with a beige, white, mint green and navy blue theme for the colors.  I don't think Joe was completely sold on it until I told him that it would be a deer and arrow theme too.  I'm pretty sure he likes it now.

I'm not a huge fan of dropping hundreds of dollars on decorating a room, so pretty much everything we made ourselves or received as hand-me-downs from family and friends.  In the end with everything that I made, it was about $50. Not too shabby.

No need to keep talking, here are some pictures of the little boy's room. Enjoy!
 The floor pillow (bottom right) was made out of leftover material from the crib sheet and Caron Simply Soft Dark Country Blue yarn crocheted on the top and bottom.  I thought Conner needed a seat in Linden's room to hang out on.

 Linden's name sign was made out of wooden letters from Joann's glued on pallet wood and the fabric is once again leftover from other projects just tied to jute. Great way to use up extra fabric instead of pitching it.

I found this awesome faux fur at Joann Fabrics for half off so I cut out a deer skin rug to go with our deer theme.  Conner loves this rug. He runs around Linden's room and slides onto the rug.

 We were fortunate enough to be given a crib from my brother and his wife when we were pregnant with Conner.  This crib has been through six boys now. Talk about getting use out of this thing!

 This is my pride and joy.  I liked the look of the buck silhouette that is pretty popular right now, but I wanted something more than the painted outline on a wood background.  I set out to try and crochet it and I have to say, for not having anything but a picture online to look off of, it turned out pretty awesome.

For the arrows, Joe bought me a wooden dowel and cut it down into smaller lengths.  From there, I painted them white with blue and mint stripes with grey tips.  I bought the fins (I'm sure that's not the right term) from MC Sports and painted them as well and hot glued them onto the arrows.  To hang them, I simply used double sided tape to stick them to the wall.

I also made the crib sheet and skirt which was surprisingly simple.  I found the crib sheet fabric (which is incredibly soft) from Joann (do you see a theme here? - way too much time at Joann Fabrics).  The bed skirt is made out of natural muslin that my mom got a hold of from work that they were planning to toss.

Here is the blanket I made for Linden.  Both sides are incredibly soft with one side matching his bedding and the other side with a furry, soft brown.  I found a mint green silk edging to sew the two together.  I love it!
And for anyone that needs a Linden fix, here are a few pictures of the handsome little man.
 Linden is a tummy sleeper! He loves to sleep on his little belly and crawl his way up into my neck as far as he can get before falling asleep.  I let him sleep on his tummy for his afternoon nap so after I put him in his pack and play on his belly yesterday, I found that he rolled over to his side on his own!  Two weeks old and he already knows how to roll from his tummy to his side.  Exciting and very scary at the same time.  (I'm constantly paranoid about SIDS, so now I feel like when he starts sleeping in his crib he's going to roll from his back to his tummy.)  But he has incredibly good head/neck control, so I know I can only control and do so much and just trust that he will be okay.

 Nana has her hands full with these boys while Face Timing Papa back home.

This little boy.  It's only been two weeks, but I feel like he's so grown up already and been a part of our family for so much longer.  If you notice his blanket, it matches the navy blue for his room.  My mom makes custom blankets for her grandbabies because we are obsessed with them in our family.  They are perfect custom baby blankets!
Do you see this pile of diapers and wipes?! Joe's coworkers got together and bought all this for Linden.  Talk about some really great people that he works with!

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