Monday, December 28, 2015


The end of the year whirlwind known as Christmas is over for the year for us. Whew! but it was great!
Christmas Eve
Linden woke me up around 1:30am to eat on Christmas Eve, but as we were sitting there I could hear the wind through our woods blowing so strongly.  Strong enough to bring down trees my friends.  So when Linden finished up, I woke up Joe to get things around and move the boys into the basement for the night.  Not ideal, but I needed to know the boys would be safe.  In the meantime, Joe was called out to restore power and left around 2am.  At that point, I figured that would be the last we would see of him until after Christmas with all the outages area wide.
The boys and I went on with our Christmas Eve plans without our favorite man and headed over to Aunt Shannon's for Christmas with the family.  Once again, like every holiday meal, we all ate too much, consumed too many desserts, and enjoyed watching the kids open gifts.  All while missing Joe and Uncle Ken since he was out restoring power too.

Highlight of the day was Conner getting a train set complete with a table from Aunt Shannon. The kid didn't care about anything else but that train set and table.  The other highlight of the day was hearing that Joe and the other crews were going to work straight through until everyone had their power back so that he could be home with us on Christmas day.
Christmas Day
We love that Joe was home for Christmas.  You don't realize how important it is to you to have the family complete until something like this comes up. 

Joe and I are having so much fun with gifts now that Conner is old enough to open them on his own and get excited.  After every single present, Conner immediately handed the gift to Joe demanding that he take out that toy so he can start playing with it.
Joe made my year with the gift he surprised me with.  Every year for the past 7+ years I've been asking for a Kitchen Aid mixer.  This year I didn't bother.  This year I got a Kitchen Aid Mixer.  I love my husband.
Uncle Ken was still working power outages so we decided to have lunch with Aunt Shan and Alex.  They picked up some pizzas and joined us at our house for some family time.  Just so happened that Joe's dad also stopped by at that time and everyone stayed a while.  It's almost as if Joe was able to have a Christmas meal with his family since he missed the Christmas Eve dinner.
The rest of the day was spent napping and chatting with my family on Face Time watching them open their gifts and hang out.  Good thing we have Face Time to feel like we can be there with the fam even though we're miles apart.
Day After Christmas
The day after Christmas was our last day of Christmas celebrations.  Nana and Papa drove up to spend Christmas with us and for Papa to meet Linden for the first time.

Conner got his first bike which he is so excited about.  He can't push the pedals yet but he'll ask 10 times a day for you to push him around the house on it.  We'll be ready to go when summertime hits.

My parents are the best.  I had asked for a flash for my camera, but had zero expectations of getting one.  Guess who got a flash?? Oh, yes, this lucky girl right here.  Learning my flash and getting pictures just right will be my focus now for the next six months.
Papa and Nana stayed the rest of the weekend which allowed Joe and I a chance to go on our first date night since before Linden was born.  It was great.  Linden did great. Conner had fun while we were gone.  I pulled out my phone during dinner to keep on the table in case my parents needed to call us for anything.  Joe immediately told me to put it away.  Let me tell you, that was a little hard to do, but I'm glad I put my phone away and just enjoyed our time together without our two favorite little boys.
Christmas 2015 was great.  We're still trying to decide what traditions we want to establish for our family each year.  I know it will change a little from year to year as we find our groove as a growing family, but we certainly enjoyed this year together as a family of four.
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!


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