Saturday, May 27, 2017

baby #3 | 16 weeks

I know a good amount of friends and family know this now, but Joe and I were holding in the biggest secret!  We are adding another sweet baby to our family!
If you remember a few posts back (here) I mentioned there was another reason for my absence here on the blog.  Shortly after getting everything squared away with starting up my little side business, we found out that we were expecting yet again! And the morning sickness took over my life.
Totally unexpected.  Totally exciting!
We had planned on having another baby, but we really didn't have plans to start thinking about until later this summer.  Funny how things don't always work the way you think they should, but that adds to the excitement of life!
I haven't decided if I'm doing weekly bump updates like I did with Linden, but I do plan at a minimum to do a handful of them for this pregnancy.
So here we are! A baby announcement and a 16 week update!
This baby takes the cake for having the worst morning sickness! Unfortunately, each pregnancy seems to be stronger and longer than the one before.  Conner was easy.  Baby #2 I did start feeling nauseous a bit for a couple of weeks prior to losing him/her.  Linden gave me a solid 7 weeks of sickness but it only lasted for the first half of the day and as long as I took Unisom and B6 the night before, I could get through the day just fine.  This child, however, has been relentless! The morning ALL DAY sickness started right at 4 1/2 weeks and did not let up a bit until 14 weeks.  There was no relief either and no breaks from it.  I was sick all day, all evening, all through the night.  And unlike the others, I threw up more times than I could count with this one. I tried everything I could along with my trusty Unisom/B6 combo, but I could barely handle taking even half of a prenatal a day.
And just when I was wondering if I would ever be able to step foot in a grocery store surrounded by food, open the fridge or drink water again, I finally (and slowly) started getting a few hours of relief each day.  For the most part now I can eat normal meals and I can enjoy vegetables and fruit and even touch raw meat again without throwing up.  There are certain foods that still make me feel uneasy like milk and tortilla chips. I even catch myself thinking about how much I eat throughout the day now, and I'm amazed and slightly terrified at how much I consume now that I can eat again. 
We do plan on announcing what we're having.  We kept Linden's gender a secret until he was born but I like to do each pregnancy different to make it fun and unique.  So we will be sharing whether this baby will be another boy if it will break the boy streak and be a girl! And be sure to keep checking back here because we will be sharing the baby's name when we finalize it!
And forget about sleep! I haven't had a solid night of sleep yet.  There's always a trip to the bathroom or simply waking up from these pregnancy dreams and never going back to sleep. It goes without saying, I'm tired.

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