Monday, April 11, 2016

thank a lineman

What would we do without power? I know how I react on the rare occasions of losing power even for an hour.  I get antsy and annoyed, but mainly annoyed.  So much of our everyday life is centered around sources of electricity that the second you take it away you can barely function.  It's like that morning cup of coffee.
Today is National Co-op Lineman Appreciation Day.
I admit, I would completely overlook this day if it weren't for my husband being a lineman because if I didn't see what it takes for lineman to do their job firsthand, I just wouldn't understand the importance of it all.
When the weather is at its worst and nobody even wants to go outside, they're out there working to get the power back on.  When there's an accident or a fire, they're out there making it a  safe environment for police, firefighters and victims.  When they're ready to celebrate their kids' firsts in life and someone loses power, they drop it all to go help those in need.  And this doesn't apply to just a few days out of the year.  Every day they work as a team to keep each other safe and others in the community safe and powered up.
Most of these men and women are pretty selfless and humble about it.
Joe took a leap of faith five years ago to leave the construction industry and corporate America to follow in his father's footsteps and pick up the tools of this trade.  That man has never been happier and he's never thrived more than he is now.  It makes my heart happy to see him doing what comes so naturally to him.
He works his tail off at work, staying involved with the boys, keeping up with the house, working on five different house projects at once, and possibly being the most fun and loving a husband could ever be.  And for me, that's a lot to appreciate on a daily basis. And like electricity, that's a lot that I take for granted everyday if I'm being honest.
These pictures are old, but I love them. And I'm pretty head-over-heels for the man in the pics too.

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