Saturday, April 9, 2016

life lately

If you're thinking that I'm MIA, don't worry I'm feeling the same.  Honestly, things have been hustling so fast around here that the only time I have for myself to think is right around 2:30am.  And I should definitely be sleeping instead.
You guys, parenting is not for wimps.
I think for the past month now we've been passing around colds, fevers, and stomach bugs.  We're all in a state of congestion and sore throats, and while the boys seem to be refreshed during the day, Joe and I are beyond tired.
Linden has hit the dreaded four month sleep regression and I don't see any light at the end of that tunnel.  But since we've been dealing with this for well over 3 weeks now, we started sleep training with him.  It's helped... a little, but it doesn't help that my Fitbit does a wonderful job at tracking my sleep and constantly reminding me that I only get 3 1/2 hours of it each night.
I've also just ended a fast-paced, two week, non-stop, aggressive bid for a large confidential project that kept my adrenaline peaked every waking hour of my days.  Trust me, the construction world is not for wimps either.  And if you're not careful, it sucks you in and away from everything else like your family.
And speaking of construction, we are heading into home-projects season around our house.  We've got quite the list of major items that we're tackling from creating a mudroom to building a new laundry room/bathroom in our basement to saying adieu to our beloved wood siding and installing new steel siding.  Owning/remodeling a home is not for wimps.
So to sum up my day, it's usually Linden that wakes me up at 2:30am and then thinking about work and our home projects that keep up until 4:30 or so when Linden wakes up again and the vicious cycle continues. The day is filled with work, work, work and then by evening it's supper, boys, clean, baths, bedtime books, pick up toys, projects, Fixer Upper and passing out cold on the couch.
But I love every exhausting moment of this life.  I've been blessed with my family, a job that I love, and house to call home.  Life isn't for wimps, but I love it. :)
Here's a little photo dump of life around here.


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