Tuesday, April 12, 2016

four month baby checkup

I can tell we are busy around here.  We had to keep pushing off Linden's four month wellness check with his doctor, but we got it crossed off our checklist yesterday.
That little ham wasn't feeling it yesterday, and spent most of the time at his appointment looking unsure and vocalizing his complaints.
Overall, for being sick with cold viruses for the past 3+ weeks, he's doing great.  We talked about his new sleep pattern to see if he would be ready for night weaning. And as much as I wanted the doctor say start the night weaning, that wasn't the case.  She advised me to keep up the night feedings if he wakes up until he's at least six months.
I think that's partly because his weight growth has started to fall off compared to where he's been at.  Right now, it's nothing to be concerned about.  I know that little boy eats well, but he is pretty active for being four months and the doctor led on that his body may be settling into his genetic makeup.  Boy's got his daddy's and brother's fast metabolism.
We also covered some of my concerns with his skin.  Over the past month, his skin has become so dry and rough.  We've been staying on top of it with using lotion, but if we miss even one day, his skin gets so dang dry.  It would help if winter would get over with already.  We started trying Cerave cream, and after a few applications, I already like it.  His doctor also advised switching laundry detergent, so we will see how that works out for him.
Weight:  14 pounds 6 ounces (25th percentile)
Birth: 8 pounds 0 ounces
Height: 24.6 in (23rd percentile)
Birth: 20.5 in
Head: 41.5cm (20th percentile)
Birth: 33cm

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