Wednesday, May 18, 2016

toddler life | thirty one

Another month down, another inch taller.  This past month we took Conner to his 2 1/2 year doctor appointment and this time went a lot smoother than some of the previous ones.  There was no wrestling to look at his ears, or measure his height or weight. Just an semi-easy going little boy.

His doctor was pretty impressed by his ability to think through tasks, and commented that he is extremely smart.  She also mentioned that kids who are smart also challenge you on a daily basis which is exactly what Conner does! But it was still nice hearing someone else recognizing how smart my little love is.
Toddler Talks
Major speech explosion this month. For real.  His sentences are legit now.  I'm mean, most of the time he's just telling me about how the dog is eating chicken poop (that happens), that he pooped, that mommy pooped (when I'm clearly standing in the kitchen), and that the baby is awake.  But most of our conversations are about poop.  I guess that's life with a boy.

He is really fine tuning his details in regards to colors, numbers, objects, etc.  It's just amazing how much he has to say these days.
Toddler Play
Chickens. Chickens. Chickens. Trucks. Trains. Minions.

Those are what we are into these days.  This child has way too many toys (said every parent about their own child).  But really, he has too many, and all he wants to do is go outside and play with his chickens.  Joe and I love that about him.  We have a few chickens that are extremely family friendly, and Conner will pet them and protect them like they are his own pets.

This little boy is also playing with his little brother more and more.  Those two are becoming a riot these days.  Conner loves to get right up in Linden's face, and the two will start laughing.  Love these two!
Toddler Eats
I'm finding at this age, it's getting difficult to always push healthy choices his way.  He gets more and more exposed to snack foods that we don't keep around the house, so he constantly asks for those and has a bit of a tantrum when I offer other items like fruit.

On the flip side, there are days that he willingly eats what I cook for supper.  At his age it's hit and miss if he eats dinner with us or eats later in the night.  He typically is a late night eater.

Toddler Sleep
Our new nighttime routine nowadays is to read every book on the face of planet, cover him up with 3 blankets, and kiss and hug him before he falls asleep.  And don't even think about missing any step in the process.  But after that, he falls asleep right away and will rarely wake up on his own before 6:30am.





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