Tuesday, May 3, 2016

linden | five months

By far, this past month with Linden has been the most fun!  Every month has been fun, but now we're getting at that age where is becoming more and more interactive and we're really starting to see more of his personality.  And let me tell you, he may seem all cute and sweet, but he will hold his own if you do something he doesn't like.  So think twice before taking that toy away from him! But it really is fun to watch him develop his preferences for different things and different people.
I am getting so excited to be starting him on solids in the next month or so. (Even more excited to see if this will help him sleep longer!)  Until then, we are just enjoying our time nursing.  He's still eating about 7 times a day and it's showing in his little baby legs.  Who doesn't love chunky little baby legs?  This little boy is like clockwork, and when it's time to eat, all patience goes out the window, and he wants to eat Now.

Ugh... I can't wait to sleep a solid seven hours at night again.  It's a constant state of sleep deprivation and fatigue around here.  We've practiced sleep training with him so he no longer uses his paci which has helped us tremendously with getting him to stay asleep.  Before if his paci fell out, he would wake up crying multiple times.  Now he just puts himself back to sleep.

Linden boy is so much like Conner.  He absolutely has to have his face covered to fall asleep so he sleeps with a small lovey or his small blanket (which is actually very breathable to keep him safe).  Conner was the exact same way.

This little boy is a blast!  He's got the busiest little hands and if anything's within reach, he's grabbing for it.  My hair and glasses get pulled a lot.  A whole lot.  Same goes for his toys too.  You can set the little boy in his saucer or on the floor with some toys and he will keep himself entertained for a long time just grabbing it all and putting it directly into his mouth.  And if you even attempt to take a toy away from him... watch out!

What else is new?? He can now rollover from back to front and he's quite a professional at it now. (Makes diaper changes a little longer now that he insists on rolling while I'm changing his dipe.)  And we get to hear more and more laughter now too!  It's the best!!


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