Happy Veteran's Day to all and a huge thank you to all who have served and are serving still! This family appreciates all of you and all you have done for us directly and indirectly.
How far along? 38 Weeks + 2 Day. 12 days left! Almost down to the single digits!
Total weight gain: 29 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Well apparently my maternity shirts don't want to fit over my belly anymore, but my non-maternity jeans are still fitting. My outfits end up looking like very unattractive belly shirts.
Sleep: Bleh. I'm lucky if I can sleep until 3 am before my brain turns on for the day and I start going through the list of all the things I need to get done.
Best moment this week: We had the 38 week dr. appointment and as usual, hearing that little heart beating away is the best moment. I've had some unsure feelings about how my doctor would respond and work with our doula, so we were lucky enough to have our doula take time out of her morning to come to the appointment with me. And after the introductions and talks, I feel way better that we're all playing on the same team. That just ups my excitement for the labor and delivery and make for a great week. Do you know how awesome it is to be going into labor and delivery for a second time after a horrendous experience the first time and being flat out excited for it? I don't have any nervous feelings about this.
Cravings: Cold frosting all the way. Any other time, I hate frosting, but tell me there's a tub in the fridge and I will eat that entire tub before you can finish asking me "What about your blood sugar?"
Symptoms: The new one at this point in this pregnancy is mild swelling. I've been lucky to avoid any swelling up until now, but I hit that point where it just happens despite my every effort to counteract it. I entirely admit, the sugary snacks that I cave into every once in a while doesn't help with the water retention. Other than that - still feeling those Braxton Hicks and nesting. Oh nesting, I want to clean all.the.things. Just too bad I don't get enough sleep at night to give me the energy to follow through on it all.
Looking forward to: Really, I'm just looking forward to meeting this baby, stop having to check my blood sugar and going on maternity leave. I've got Conner home with me these next couple weeks while I'm still pulling off a full time job. It's tough and exhausting. I just want to get on maternity leave so I only have one full time job to focus on. After all, it's not easy quieting a screaming two year old while you're on a conference call meeting.
Big brother wanted to get in the pics but didn't want to look for the camera. Of course.
2 year olds never seem to cooperate for the camera!