Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I can't believe it! It's officially the start of the third trimester already and honestly, how did the second trimester go so fast?  I thought my baby fever was bad before, but it's getting worse every week.  I'm ready to hold this little babe. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do for decorating the nursery.  Unfortunately, since we've decided not to tell anyone what we're having, we can't put any finishing touches on the nursery until after Conner's birthday in October when my family will be visiting.  I think after that point, I won't have any energy to do a whole lot with the nursery.

In the meantime, Joe and I have just been trying to soak up every last ounce of summer that we have left and time with Conner before his life gets turned upside down.  Last night we headed out for swimming and ice cream after supper.  I love getting random text in the late afternoon from Joe just to see if I'm game for swimming at the lake.  When it's near 90 degrees, the dishes and chores can wait.  Playing at the beach becomes top priority.


How far along?  28 weeks + 2 days
Total weight gain:  17 pounds. 
Maternity clothes?  Yes.  Maternity clothes are starting to feel more and more comfortable everyday.  Since most of my days are around the house, I still rock the pre-pregnancy workout shorts and t-shirts on most days.
Sleep:  Seeing how the majority of my sleep this past week was in hotel rooms or camping, it wasn't the greatest.  The nights we were at home have been amazing and I am trying to take full advantage of that before this little baby comes.  
Best moment this week:  Family vacation to Marquette, MI and celebrating Joe's 34th birthday.
Miss anything?  I really miss laying on my back and just stretching out.  I see Joe come home and do this and I stand there glaring watching in jealousy.
Cravings:  So far this week, I don't have any cravings.  If I do get a craving, it's not strong enough to act on it like a lot of other pregnant mamas need to.
Symptoms:  I know these painful veins are here to stay for the next three months, but thanks to my friend Amy, I now have some TED hose. (Thank you, Amy!) It's amazing how great they do at taking away the pain.  As far as how these compression hose look... well let's just say that I'm glad Fall is right around the corner and I'll be back to wearing jeans soon!  Honestly, though, if you have pain with these during pregnancy, don't waste any time getting yourself a pair! And helllooo heartburn!!! I didn't have any heartburn until my last month of pregnancy with Conner, so it surprised me a little to get it this early this time around.  It is brutal.  I now carry my water bottle around in one hand and a bottle of Tums in the other.
Looking forward to:  Labor Day weekend is coming up, so we are looking forward to hopefully spending it on the river.  If we're lucky, we'll be able to take Conner on a canoe trip and do a shrimp boil with the fam.

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